Benefits of Maple Syrup

Maple syrup delivers more nutritional value overall than many common sweeteners while having one of the lowest calorie levels. As a natural sweetener, it contains no added sugar, colours, artificial flavours, preservatives, or other additives. Additionally, it provides enhanced antioxidant levels compared to other common and popular foods, such as apples and broccoli.




Maple Syrup is a significant source of several nutrients. Maple syrup has natural variations, but on average, a 4 tablespoon serving (60ml) of Maple Syrup supplies us with more than 100% of our daily intake of manganese, 37% of riboflavin (B2), 18% of zinc, 7% of magnesium, 5% of calcium and 5% of potassium.

In addition to carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, maple syrup and its products also contain phenolic compounds. These compounds are found in sap and are concentrated in maple syrup.

The following chart from the Federation of Quebec Maple Producers shows the percentage of the recommended Daily Value of 6 nutrients as well as the calories and grams of sugar for maple syrup. The values are also given for honey, sugar and brown sugar for comparison.
